Fedora, Compiz, Wifi. Oh yes.

Just wanted to note a few things tonight. This afternoon my main PC at work crashed and so I was forced to start trying to use my laptop to actually work. A few small snags, but for the most part it all came up wonderfully. In fact I have to admit that even compared to what it takes to go through a normal setup of Eclipse, Java, Tomcat etc etc etc that it went well. So mostly it was just copying files over, but I can gloat about figuring out how to do that much right?

So between that, and tweaking on my compiz settings and getting that to where I want it mostly (note to self, catalog the features and settings later) and then I got my WIFI workig...  yes, I am actually laying in bed, using Fedora 8 and updating my website. It doesn't sound like much but it feels like a major triumph.

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