Fubuntu 14.9 on Dell Mini 1010

Not quite content with a standard interface from Ubuntu 10.10 desktop (as of this writing the Unity interface is not supported yet with GMA500 video cards hence the reason I am using desktop instead of netbook interface), I went back to searching for more distros to try.

One that I am giving a try out is Fubuntu (go check the site for more info on it) and one of the things that I love is that it is FEDORA based. So all my past user experience with Fedora on other laptops, RH based servers etc comes into play.

Fubuntu is new enough right now that it didn't come with Wifi working out of the box, or the Poulsbo driver working either, so I'm having to work on getting that going. But I do like the media/icons/color scheme and interface tweaks it has over the normal desktoping environment too. If I make this my full distro for the netbook, I'll come back and write a "Fubuntu how-to for Dell Mini 1010" :)

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