Fedora 20 and NXServer 3.5

Again WHY do these changes.. nevermind. I know the answer. I just hate that things change and that not everything moves forward at the same time.

If you get an error about ssh keys when trying to login after nx install:

An alternative is to change the server.cfg and node.cfg in /usr/NX/etc to have authorized_keys instead of authorized_keys2. This works in Fedora 20, and when looking for a similar thread found this and thought I would share.

  • /usr/NX/etc/node.cfg
    • SSHAuthorizedKeys = "authorized_keys"
    • #And if you are running mate:
    • #CommandStartGnome = "/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session mate-session"
  • /usr/NX/etc/server.cf
    • SSHAuthorizedKeys = "authorized_keys"


And if you get errors about Xauthority update the /etc/hosts file to have the hostname in it.

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